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Waxtaani jëfandikukat:Guérin Nicolas

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Jóge Wikipedia.

Salut c moi l'administrateur de ce wiki. Je te souhaite le bievenue, si tu as besoin de quelque chose de particulier, n'esite pas à me contacter, ciao --Ibou 23 juillet 2007 à 11:18 (UTC)

Voir aussi : Wikipedia:Traduction de l'interface

  • modèle : royuwaay,
  • boite utilisateur=boyutu jëfëndikookat,
  • compte= sàq
  • page utilisateur= xëtu aji jëfandiku
  • Utilisateur= aji jëfandiku
  • Liens internes=lëkkalekaay yu biir
  • Liens externes=lëkkalekaay yu biti
  • Articles connexes= Jukki yi ci aju
  • Internet= internet
  • Bibliographie=téerekaay
  • Voir aussi= xool it
  • Article principal= jukki bu njëkk
  • Notes et références= karmat ak delluwaay
  • Ébauche= tàmbali
  • Wikipédia=wikipedia
  • Portail=bunt
  • Projet=naal
  • Aide=ndimbal
  • Monnaie=koppar
  • Religion(s)=diine
  • Population=askan
  • La phrase suivante : "Cet article est une ébauche à compléter concernant le thème ..., vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en le modifiant." =" bii jukki ab tàmbali rekk la bu ñuy mottali ci lu aju ci li muy wax..., man nga fee def ay sottantey xalaat soo ko soppee "
  • Infobox= boyotu-xibaar
  • "nom" : tur
  • "pays":Réew
  • "latitude":tus-wu-gaar
  • "longitude":tus-wu-taxaw
  • "superficie": yaatuwaay
  • "population":way-dëkk
  • "densité":dankaloowaay
  • "drapeau":raaya
  • "carte":lonkoyoon
  • "capitale":péy
  • "monnaie":koppar
  • "wikipédiens par langue" : waa-wikipedia ci làkk-ak-làkk
  • "bord":peg
  • "image":nataal
  • "couleur":melo
  • "texte":mbind
  • "taille":dayoo
  • "titre":koj
  • utilisateur:jëfandikukat, on peut aussi dire aji jëfandiku mais jëfandikukat est plus simple
  • "Wikipédiens par domaine": waa-wikipedia ci barab-ak-barab
  • "Wikipédiens": waa-wikipedia
  • "Espace non encyclopédique":barab biti jimbulang
tres bon job!!!!!! Me dire s'il y a des erreurs de traduction: quelque erreur sur le texte des babel wo, mais je vai les corrige. peace --Ibou 5 rakki gamu(avril) 2008 à 10:02 (UTC)
  • categorie(s) = wall
  • sous-categorie = ron-wall
  • categorie mere = ndey ji wall
  • Science = xam-xam
  • Espace encyclopédique = barab biir jimbulang
  • Économie = koom-koom
  • Litterature = njàngat
  • Chimie = simi
  • physique = jëmm
  • mathématiques = xayma
  • médecine = paj
  • histoire = taariix
  • politique = politig
  • Santé = wér-gi-yaram
  • Île = dun
  • Aliment = ñamm
  • Cuisine = togg (si on parle de plat), waañ (lieu où on cuisine)
  • Catégorie:Aamerik ou Catégorie:Aamerig? => catégorie:Aamerig est plus juste
  • Page d'Orientation = xëtu gindikaay

bon job, peace --Ibou 8 rakki gamu(avril) 2008 à 10:25 (UTC)

  • Villes : pour les villes je ferai la traduction de toutes les villes dans le weekend.
  • salut, tu as raison je me suis trompé, Dun veut dire ile, Doj veut dire montagne.
  • pour la liste des planetes je dois m'informé parce que je ne les connais pas tous, apres je vais te le dire. peace --Ibou 9 rakki gamu(avril) 2008 à 10:32 (UTC)

As an Administrator, you are allowed into #wikimedia-admin, the cross-wiki coordination channel for Wikimedia administrators. Any member of the channel can invite you in temporarily, but you need an invite exemption from a channel operator to get in whenever you want. Please come to #wikimedia and ask for an invite.

Any admin from any project is welcome and it is a good place for cross-wiki coordination of vandal and spam fighting. It is also useful for new admins to contact more experienced admins in real-time to get help with the more complicated admin tasks such as history merges/splits and importing via Special:Import.

Please remember to translate the interface at betawiki: only and to upload images preferably at commons:

Many thanks, merci beaucoup,

Best regards, --Spacebirdy 3 Rakkaati-gamu 2008 à 09:07 (UTC)

English Articles

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Yo mate my articles are all in English.Seems you a bit of English yourself.Well,feck sake,nice to meet ya.-- 6 Rakkaati-gamu 2008 à 16:33 (UTC)

 :Well done mate.Good job done.-- 7 Rakkaati-gamu 2008 à 15:29 (UTC) 

According to en:Wolof you are form Africa.I like Africa.I think it's areally cool continent.-- 7 Rakkaati-gamu 2008 à 21:36 (UTC)

Wolof toponyms

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Hi! Can you help me with wolof names of some Senegal rivers and lakes: Lac de Gueir, Vallée du Ferlo, Tiângol Lougguéré, Vallée de Mboun, Vallée du Saloum, Badiara, Niéri Ko, Niokolo Koba, Soungrougrou, Géba (partially in Guinea-Bissau). This is required to correcly represent these names in en:latvian language. You can contact me also there. --Kikos64 13 Rakkaati-gamu 2008 à 06:57 (UTC)

salut nicolas

bon job, exellent! une petite précision: on écrit boyotu pas boyutu. peace --Ibou 15 Rakkaati-gamu 2008 à 18:54 (UTC)

salut Nicolas, bon travail j'ai vu les changements de cat, trop cool, pour les traductions: biologie: ndundat, sport: taggat-yaram. certains mots speciales tu pourrai les trouver sur wikbaatukaay. merçi encore, peace --Ibou 2 Ndeyi-koor 2008 à 21:50 (UTC)

les traductions

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

salut nicolas

  • Notes et références: karmat ak delluwaay
  • Voir aussi: xool it
  • Articles connexes: jukki yi ci lonku
  • Liens externes: lëkkalekaay yu biti
  • Bibliographie: téerekaay

tu pourrais nous aidez aussi à créer des models sur le wiktionnaire wolof, ciao --Ibou 7 Sattumbar 2008 à 13:44 (UTC)[répondre]

salut Guerin. je voulais crée ce modèle clear du français mais je ne comprend pas bien. je doit l'utilise dans cette pages. merçi d'avance --Ibou 5 Oktoobar 2008 à 11:59 (UTC)[répondre]

Well, I can't speak 1 word in your language... but if you need help whit templates and others things that I can help... please said me.

Best regrads Béria Lima Msg 7 Disembar 2008 à 18:00 (UTC)[répondre]

hi beria welcome in the wikipedia wolof, your help is needful here. you can hepl us creating template, corrently template used in wikipedia , for the translation you can ask someone in this page. in that page you can post every request you have: klik on yokk ab bataaxal for adding message. thinks --Ibou 7 Disembar 2008 à 19:51 (UTC)[répondre]

salut, Nicolas! Thanks for the welcome! But pity I'm not useful opening here more often! But I hope I'll try my best!! Furhermore: As per your message in my talk page:

Do not hesitate to ask for help!

But how could it be possible to give me help while you don' know this language? Samahani sana!--Mwanaharakati (Longa) 10 Disembar 2008 à 07:15 (UTC)[répondre]

Salut, Nicolas. Thanks for your kind words! But I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to contribute both place. Most of time I try to expand my wiki language, thus I don't think if I can coming over!!! But you have my words, Cheers.--Mwanaharakati (Longa) 11 Disembar 2008 à 12:56 (UTC)[répondre]
By the way, I found so many articles about variety country has on ly one line, why? It's better to delete them because it's nothing, absolutely nothing. For instance Japan, no even a single word has just written in that article. Only images. So, do you think that is fair?--Mwanaharakati (Longa) 11 Disembar 2008 à 13:06 (UTC)[répondre]
Thanks for touching deepdown inside of my heart! Now I can see that article are got better!!! Keep moving brother, and I'm now try to write simple article about Wolof language in Wikipedia kwa Kiswahili! The article will go under the name of Kiwolofu! Stay in touch, Cheers!!!!!--Mwanaharakati (Longa) 12 Disembar 2008 à 12:43 (UTC)[répondre]
The article which I promise you if I was going to make it, it's done! See here. Your welcome to Kiswahili Wikipedia!! Cheers--Mwanaharakati (Longa) 13 Disembar 2008 à 06:21 (UTC)[répondre]

Je pense que le flag bot serait pas mal... j'ai lancé la correction demandée --Gdgourou 13 Disembar 2008 à 20:20 (UTC)[répondre]

Bonne vacances... a+ --Gdgourou 30 Disembar 2008 à 16:32 (UTC)[répondre]
Mon bot est déjà en global... donc pas besoin du local... sauf si tu veux t'entrainer à changer les statuts :) --Gdgourou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 3 Maars 2009 à 19:23 (UTC)[répondre]
J'attends que toolserver soit remis à jour pour mettre à jour toute les pages de mon bot...--Gdgourou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 3 Maars 2009 à 20:49 (UTC)[répondre]

Bureaucrat status

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Granted by current Bureaucrat. Please close the discussion on your wiki's request page. --Mav (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 1 Fewiriye 2009 à 17:30 (UTC)

salut Nicolas

cette année ci je pense aller a wikimania en argentine, je vai m'inscrire au liste, je voudrai allé parler de la vulgarisation des wikis en langue africaine par la création de 'chapter' locales, je pense que c'est l'unique moyen d'atirer d'autre contribuable. toi tu y es dejas été? --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 29 Maars 2009 à 16:37 (UTC)[répondre]

Bataaxalu dalal-jàmm

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Dalal-jàmm / Bienvenue / Welcome , Guérin Nicolas !

(wo) Bataaxalu dalal-jàmm : dila nuyu Guérin Nicolas te dila dalal ci Wikipedia. Dila gërëm ci say cëru ci bii jimbulang. Su dee dangay làkk wolof, soxla nañu la lool ngir bind walla soppi ay jukki.; walla it, sag ndimbal ci wàllu xarala. Su fekke it dangaa soxla ndimbal walla dangaa ami laaj, saytul xët wii Ndimbal, man nga maa bind ci sama xëtu waxtaanuwaay, walla nga bind sa laaj ci Wikipedia:Pénc, ci xëtu waxtaanuwaay yi, dee fa xaatim say bataaxal, deel cuq ci walla ngay bind ~~~~ ngir xaatim: dina tax, sa turu jëfandikukat ak taariix bi, feeñ ci sa wetu bataaxal. Liggéeyal ak jàmm!

(fr) Message de bienvenue : Salut Guérin Nicolas et bienvenue sur Wikipédia. Merci pour tes contributions sur cette encyclopédie libre. Si tu parles la langue wolof, nous avons extrêment besoin de toi pour éditer les articles; sinon, nous avons toujours besoin de ton aide pour l'assistance technique. Si tu as toi-même besoin d'aide ou si tu as des questions, consulte Ndimbal, demande-moi sur ma page de discussion, ou pose ta requête sur Wikipedia:Pénc. Sur les pages de discussion, signe tes messages en cliquant sur ou en écrivant ~~~~ : ceci fera afficher automatiquent ton nom utilisateur et la date. Bonne continuation!

(en) Welcome message: Hello Guérin Nicolas and welcome to Wikipedia. Thank you for your contributions to this free encyclopedia. If you speak the wolof language, we highly need you to edit articles; if you don't, we always need your help for technical support. If you need help or for any question, check out Ndimbal, ask me on my talk page, or ask your question on Wikipedia:Pénc. Please remember to sign your name on talk pages by clicking or using four tildes (~~~~): this will automatically produce your username and the date. Happy editing!

Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 7 Awril 2009 à 12:51 (UTC)[répondre]

Ahloubadar >Abdu Xaadir Gueye

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Dear Nicolas How are you? my name is Abdou Khadir Gueye, I'm from Dakar/Senegal, I'm a webmaster , I'm using wikipedia wolof, because wolof is my mother tongue. I'm a wolof, my user name's Ahloubadar. I created this page ndimbël ci ay nataal for help somebody. if you see an error in my work alert me in my talk page before delete or edit. because I added a link (ndimbël ci ay nataal) in ndimbal:ndimbal pages a unknown user was delete it. I am worry for this action. the lost time is never coming again. I lost my time to creat a page after somebody delete it without alert me it's not good OK thank for your work --ahloubadar (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 8 Awril 2009 à 22:16 (UTC)[répondre]

salut nicolas. J'avais besoin de déplacer les pages d'une categorie vers une autre, si je ne me trompe pas avec hot cat tu peut le faire automatiquement. les cats: ici vers ici, thinks --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 13 Awril 2009 à 21:46 (UTC)[répondre]

salut. je l'es mis ici, --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 14 Awril 2009 à 06:59 (UTC)[répondre]

salut nicolas, j'avais besoin d'un modèle, si tu pourrai me le crée, ici. --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 23 Mee 2009 à 16:15 (UTC)[répondre]

Hello, could you please redirect this template to the wolof version? This makes life easier for SWMT members. The redirect could be protected as well, since it is a vandalism target. Thank you Mike.lifeguard | @meta 6 Samwie 2010 à 01:21 (UTC)

Noppi : it's done. If you want to delete a page, put now {{delete}} on it. Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 15 Samwie 2010 à 10:18 (UTC)

Hello Nicolas

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

This is Abdou,

Kind Regards! Abdou Ahloubadar (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 03 Maars 2011 à 10:18 (UTC)[répondre]

An important message about renaming users

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Dear Guérin Nicolas, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.

As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.

Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.

The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.

Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.

In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.

Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.

Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 25 Ut 2014 à 18:24 (UTC)[répondre]

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!

Your bureaucrat flag

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Hello. Being a bureaucrat means responsibility, not honorary title, and may no longer rename users. Would you please reconsider being a bureaucrat at xx.wikxxxx? You have no logged bureaucrat action after 2011-03-04.--Jusjih (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 29 Maars 2015 à 02:08 (UTC)[répondre]

Dear Jusjih,

thanks for your e-mail, I endorsed the bureaucrat responsability on wo.wikipedia in 2011, mainly for 2 reasons :

- I understand a bit the wolof language (i was able to edit articles and communicate with the 3-4 users present on wolof wikipedia)

Now, got a new job and a child, giving me few free time.

- They were no bureaucrat at that time, someone was needed to organize the communauty.
- They were noone to do the link between wo.wikipedia and meta, when we needed a steward for doing a job (e.g. rename a user name, give bot flag),

it was taking a long time.

I agree that bureaucrat is a responsability, not a title, and i never claimed so. Just i do not see any reason to reconsider the present situation, it is wo.wikipedia and not en.wikipedia : they are few users and few activity on it, so few to do. I did the main job 4 years ago. At least one bureaucrat is needed on this wiki to keep an eye time to time on that wiki (that's what i do). And to keep a bureaucrat (even sleepy) does not bother anyone, Note that there is no activity at that time (i.e. edit of articles) so i do not see what to do for the moment. And it is most of the time like this. Note further that to edit wolof articles is not easy as very few people contribute. I advised you to try (i could manage to edit with time but you need to learn a bit the language). Most of people complete their user page in english saying that they are sysop elsewhere, and that's it. No contribution so far on the articles content. Best regards. Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 30 Maars 2015 à 10:38 (UTC)[répondre]

Thanks for your reply, but I would like to kindly advise you to please resign as the only bureaucrat at m:Permissions#Removal_of_access because:
  1. In case you are away for long time when someone would become an administrator or a bot, we steward would have to try to get you first, then wait for some time before "stepping on your toe". This is inefficient.
  2. Being a bureaucrat has nothing to do to organize the community, to keep an eye time to time, or to understand any language anymore.
You are still welcome to be an administrator. Running for steward next time could allow you to keep an eye on any wikis. I was a bureaucrat on several Chinese wikis, but I quit when no longer needed.--Jusjih (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 31 Maars 2015 à 02:24 (UTC)[répondre]
Thanks for your reply, i have to dismiss your demand for the reasons you wrote:
  1. For rights of administrator or bot, there were no such a demand on wo for the last 5 years. Before, when it was no bureaucrat, we had to ask a steward for that and it was precisely taking time (I remember my election and how much time it took to be effectively administrator). For renaming user's page beacause of global account change, stewards are doing the job.
  2. I do not want to become a steward! You do not understand what is happening here, this wiki is very small, we are only 2 permanent contributors here, me and Ibou. We need local to attract local contributor, and we need local administrators and bureaucrats. Sorry, but when the wiki is small, we need to create community first.

Please, leave the things here unchanged and help us to attract people, step on the ground instead of flying above. Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 31 Maars 2015 à 16:24 (UTC)[répondre]

Your administrator and bureaucrat status on the wo.wikipedia

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on the wiki listed above. Since that wiki does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your rights, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, you can reply here or request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after approximately one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards.

Yours faithfully-- علاء (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 9 Awril 2018 à 14:41 (UTC)[répondre]