Yéenekaay yépp

Wone gees boole gu mbooleem yéenekaayu Wikipedia. Man ngaa wàññi wone gi soo tànnee ab yéenekaay, turu jëfandikukat, walla xët wu mu laal (ñaar ñépp dañuy yëg tolluwaayu mbind mi) .

  • 30 Samwiyee 2024 à 16:49 waxtaan a créé la page Ajay Prakash (Xët wu bees : '''Dr. Ajay Prakash'''<ref>https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25328311/</ref> is an Indian researcher, academic and clinician known for his contributions in the fields of oral and maxillofacial pathology, cancer epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, molecular biology, DNA profiling and immunology. Born in Vijayawada, India, Ajay Prakash's early life was shaped by his father, P.S. Rama Murthy, a police officer with the Government of Andhra Pradesh, and his mother, P.S. Uma Rani, a...) Tafaan: recent_changes Soppikaay gu gisu