Yéenekaay yépp

Wone gees boole gu mbooleem yéenekaayu Wikipedia. Man ngaa wàññi wone gi soo tànnee ab yéenekaay, turu jëfandikukat, walla xët wu mu laal (ñaar ñépp dañuy yëg tolluwaayu mbind mi) .

  • 7 Maars 2024 à 14:31 waxtaan a créé la page Mohammad Zaid Khan (Xët wu bees : '''Mohammad Zaid Khan''' is an Indian entrepreneur, digital marketer, content creator, and business mentor/consultant. He is the founder and CEO of Zedital Media Pvt. Ltd., a leading marketing agency based in Dehradun, Delhi NCR, and Mumbai, India. Khan is known for his innovative approach to marketing and his contributions to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in India. == Biography == Mohammad Zaid Khan was born on March 24, 2001, in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. He spent part...) Tafaan: recent_changes Soppikaay gu gisu