Jaar-jaaru sumbi "Jëfandikukat:FoxBot"

Méngaley sumb: falal sumb yi nga bëgg a méngale te bës ci Ayca walla ci cuquwaay bi ci suuf.

(teew) = li mu wuuteek sumb bi teew, (jii) = li mu wuuteek sumb bi jiitu, c = coppite yu néewal.

5 Nowembar 2011

27 Fewriyee 2011

2 Fewriyee 2011

28 Oktoobar 2010

29 Ut 2010

27 Ut 2010

5 Ut 2010

11 Oktoobar 2009

16 Sattumbar 2009

  • xamlejiitu 14:0816 Sattumbar 2009 à 14:08FoxBot waxtaan cërum 5 205 byte +3 844 robot Adding: ab, ace, af, ak, arz, as, ast, av, ay, az, ba, bar, bcl, be, be-x-old, bg, bh, bi, bm, bo, bpy, bxr, cbk-zam, cdo, ce, ch, chy, ckb, crh, diq, dsb, dz, ee, eml, eo, et, eu, ext, fa, ff, fj, fur, gan, glk, gn, got, gu, ha, hak, haw, hi, neenal
  • xamlejiitu 13:1516 Sattumbar 2009 à 13:15Foxie001 waxtaan cëru 1 361 byte +1 361 Xët wu bees : {{bot|Foxie001}} FoxBot is a bot of Foxie001 creating interwiki-links on many languages. It uses pywikipedia. It's controller speaks and writes English, Dutch an...