Waxtaani jëfandikukat:Anthere

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Jóge Wikipedia.

Ref.: Since you are new, I hesitated in making you a sysop. Obviously, you know very little of Wikipedia concept. So that everything get started, I make you a sysop for three weeks.

Hello Anthere,
Tanks you ! I think that the pure respect of “Wikipedia concept” could wait a bit for some case and for some particular reasons: like starting a Wikipedia for an African language (and in a French influence zone however their are Wolof in Gambia too). You know, the Zulu is a very significant language in Africa (and in a English zone), and, zu.wikipedia.org stay with their little 4 insignificant articles… We will soon to organize a real campaign in the Wolof country in Senegal and Gambia to promote Wikipedia. One of the next steps will be a call in the papers of both countries. The call of some NGO should help the cause to, and I take the challenge with you that Wikipedia Wolof will be very significant before the end of the year. And, we are helping other NGO of West Africa to make a place on the Internet for theirs own languages and particularly a strong presence on Wikipedia.